sorry professor Sheffield

Missade första föreläsningen idag. Trodde vi skulle ha biblioteksorientering, men det var visst på tisdag. Och vi som har Sheffield i 50% av våra kurser... Smörare som jag är skrev jag ett mail till professor Sheffield för att slippa minuspoäng. Hoppas det funkar. JohanA kommer publicera sitt mail under kommentarer om några minuter.

Professor Sheffield,

I missed class today and feel a need to express why, since it was unintentional. I am (almost and to a declining degree) certain that you said the library orientation was today and not - as the syllabus clearly states - next tuesday. The fact that the class presentation preferences sheet is supposed to be submitted in class that day may have factored in to me assuming it was today, because I am to the same declining degree certain that you said you didnt want it in the library. Though, the librarian in charge of the orientation was positive it was next tuesday and if I werent in the 2.05 group I would have gone straight to class.


Anyway, did I miss out on important information and if so can you upload it to D2L, e-mail it to me or bring it on tuesday?



Johan Gustafsson


Daniel, jag vet att veckodagar ska skrivas med stor bokstav....

Postat av: JohanA

haha. det blir inget mail publicerat här inte!

2008-08-29 @ 00:09:51
Postat av: Johan

Typiskt emil. Alltid hemlig.

Sheffields svar var dock skönt. Han är en clean kille.

I understand your confusion--the first week of the semester is always that way. I am not counting absences until next week, so you have suffered no grade injury by this mistake. Class today was about some simple matters: social conflict, politics, government, public policy, traits of democracies, etc. Make friends with one of your attentive classmates and ask to copy his or her notes from today--I do not have a set of compiled notes that I can share with you.

Next Tuesday IS in the library, and I will take class presentation preference forms then.

Enjoy your weekend and the holiday Monday!


Noteras bör att en karaktär i Blade Runner har samma initialer. J.F. Sebastian

2008-08-29 @ 01:11:22
Postat av: JohanA

Jag hade ju inte ens skickat nåt mail ju. Men nu har jag. men jag orkar inte logga in och kopiera det!

2008-08-29 @ 03:36:46
Postat av: Jonas

Låter som om du hittat en reservpappa där jogi, fint fint;)

2008-08-29 @ 09:15:55
Postat av: daniel

jogi. man stavar veckodagar på engelska med stor bokstav i början. suck hoppas att du får poängavdrag på kursen för att du missade det!

2008-08-31 @ 09:38:22

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